2018年11月22日 星期四

Easy to use instructions 簡易使用說明

 Easy to use instructions

1. First, if "Enable Edit" or "Enable Content" appears, Please press .
    首先如果出現 啟用編輯 或 啟用內容,請按啟。

2. On the User List page, reset the password and access the page permissions.
    在User List頁,請重新設定密碼 及 訪問版頁權限。

3. On Sheets Settings, enter the company profile and item number name.
    在 Settings頁,請輸入公司資料 及 商品編號名稱。

4. On Sheets Price List,  press the "Set Current Stock" button to enter the product information, price, and wholesale price.
    在 Price List頁,請按啟 "Set current Stock"鍵,可輸入商品資料、價格、批發價。

5. Sales order: On Sheets Order Form, enter the product name, price, quantity, then press the "To Order" button.
    開銷售單:在 Order Form頁,輸入產品名稱、價格、數量,然後請按 "To Order"鍵。

5.1 After pressing the "To Order" button, the data is automatically imported into the Sheets Inventory. Automatic deduction in inventory automatically.
      按啟 "To Order"鍵後,資料自動匯入 Inventory頁。在庫存自動直接扣減。

6. Purchase Order: On Sheets Order Form, press the "PO Form" button, then enter the product name,      quantity, purchase price, then press the "To PO" button.
    採購單:在 Order Form頁 請按 "Po Form"鍵,然後輸入產品名稱、數量、採購價格,然後請 按 "To PO"鍵。

6.1 After pressing the "To PO" button, the data is automatically imported into the Sheets Warehouse.  When the goods are confirmed in the warehouse, change "not in stock" to enter the consignee              name or delete the inventory will be automatically recorded.
      按啟 "To PO"鍵後,資料自動匯入 Warehouse頁。 當貨品入倉確認時 將 "not in stock"改為 輸入收貨人名稱 或 刪除 庫存才會自動紀錄。

6.2 Sheets Inventory automatically records the increase in quantity.

#credit note, #debit note, #delivery orders, #drop down list, #Excel quotation, #Inventory, #invoice, #invoices, #proforma invoices, #purchase orders, #Quotation Form, #quotations, #Sales invoice

2018年10月6日 星期六

Invoice Quotation & Inventory Order Form - Frandan System

 Invoice Quotation & Inventory Order Form - Frandan System


30 days free Save Time Save Money

Click me: 30 days free ver.2018

Click me: How to buy

Easy fast keyword search drop-down input,  by one step all data real-time import with quotations, purchase orders, proforma invoices, invoices, delivery orders, credit note, debit note etc.
Improve the competitiveness of SMEs, reduce the internal work of the complex workload and pressure.
International Trade Professional Excel VBA quotation form system, password login and user rights protection confidentiality and inventory management, real-time monitoring analysis and adjustment,
Easy inventory management easy to operate. Any place at any time in the usb flash disk or hard disk to carry.
國際貿易專業Excel VBA報價系統,密碼登入和用戶權限保護機密及庫存管理,實時監控分析調整,容易輕鬆快速快速關鍵字搜尋下拉式輸入,通過一步數據即時匯入報價單、採購單、形式發票、發票、送貨單等。庫存管理簡單易明容易操作任何地方随时在USB闪存盘或硬盘上携带。

Click me: Easy to use instructions

User login
password login

credit note, debit note, delivery orders, drop down list, Excel quotation, Inventory, invoices, proforma invoices, purchase orders, Quotation Form, quotations, Sales invoice

Order Form
Real-time monitoring and analysis of products to adjust the factory price, agency price, VIP price, retail price, foreign currency exchange and cost income data. do not need relevant work experience. Easy fast keyword search drop down List. 

credit note, debit note, delivery orders, drop down list, Excel quotation, Inventory, invoice, invoices, proforma invoices, purchase orders, Quotation Form, quotations, Sales invoice

Order Form - Enter by drop down list

Order Form - Instant exchange settlement and payment method

credit note, debit note, delivery orders, drop down list, Excel quotation, Inventory, invoices, proforma invoices, purchase orders, Quotation Form, quotations, Sales invoice

By one step all data Immediate Import with quotations, Purchase Orders, Proforma Invoices, Invoices, Delivery Orders, Credit Note, Debit Note.
數據即時匯入報價單、採購單、形式發票、發票、送貨單、Credit NoteDebit Note

credit note, debit note, delivery orders, drop down list, Excel quotation, Inventory, invoice, invoices, proforma invoices, purchase orders, Quotation Form, quotations, Sales invoice

Deposit Invoice
credit note, debit note, delivery orders, drop down list, Excel quotation, Inventory, invoice, invoices, proforma invoices, purchase orders, Quotation Form, quotations, Sales invoice

Balance Invoice
credit note, debit note, delivery orders, drop down list, Excel quotation, Inventory, invoice, invoices, proforma invoices, purchase orders, Quotation Form, quotations, Sales invoice


Credit Note

Debit Note
credit note, debit note, delivery orders, drop down list, Excel quotation, Inventory, invoice, invoices, proforma invoices, purchase orders, Quotation Form, quotations, Sales invoice

Price List
Price protect by Admin password
credit note, debit note, delivery orders, drop down list, Excel quotation, Inventory, invoice, invoices, proforma invoices, purchase orders, Quotation Form, quotations, Sales invoice

Automatic update record 自動更新紀錄

credit note, debit note, delivery orders, drop down list, Excel quotation, Inventory, invoice, invoices, proforma invoices, purchase orders, Quotation Form, quotations, Sales invoice

Keep track of records for each entry and exit. 追蹤紀錄貨品每次入倉和出倉
credit note, debit note, delivery orders, drop down list, Excel quotation, Inventory, invoices, proforma invoices, purchase orders, Quotation Form, quotations, Sales invoice

On Order
Automatic record 自動更新紀錄

credit note, debit note, delivery orders, drop down list, Excel quotation, Inventory, invoice, invoices, proforma invoices, purchase orders, Quotation Form, quotations, Sales invoice

User List
 Password login and user rights setting


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3.       你的賬戶資料,如信用卡賬戶號碼首尾4位數或用戶賬號;
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若在運作上有需要,我們會將個人資料轉移至香港特別行政區以外的地方以達到收集此等資料之目的,或直接與其有關之目的。 任何有關的資料轉移都會遵照條例之規定及約束。






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Easy to use instructions 簡易使用說明

 Easy to use instructions 簡易使用說明 1. First, if "Enable Edit" or "Enable Content" appears, Please press .     首先如果出現 啟...